Saturday, 30 July 2011

Official vacation time

Jeff and I flew into Copenhagen this morning, where we'll be spending the next four nights. Where a plate of "nachos" (I can't help it, once I saw the word nachos I had to have them, along with the "avocado sauce") cost us 18 dollars at lunch today. 

Where this much change....

is actually about 14 dollars. 

Holy guacamole. 

Tuesday, 26 July 2011


Oh man, it is a good thing we are going on a vacation next week (yes I said VACATION) because we have been in a major rut around here. I'm a homebody so I generally don't mind that so much but this rut is deeeeeeeeeeep. A deeply, deeply boring rut (aside from Sherri's visit of course!!). To make matters worse, E4 is only showing 2 episodes of Friends per day instead of 3 like they used to. Not to mention the fact that they will no longer be showing friends AT ALL come this fall. I think it says something about our (I think Jeff might prefer it if I said "my") current rut that I was rather affected by that news.

After having a really amazing sunny spring, summer has ended up being very blahh so far. 60s and perma-clouds. It is getting to me in a "will the sun ever shine again"sort of way. If I could have just ONE WEEK of summer I would be happy. But no, even that seems to much to ask. At this point I feel like I could complain about the weather for a long time so I'm just going to stop myself here.

I took this picture in the middle of the dang afternoon. You wouldn't know it. Look how cute they all look though.

On the other hand, the weather has been a good excuse for eating my new favorite thing.

I just boil some water, add a vegetable stock cube, some ramen noodles, veggies (I like broccoli and mushrooms), and two scrambled eggs. It is so good! If you're me and you physically CANNOT eat a meal that doesn't involve cheese somehow, you'll throw some sharp cheddar on top and it will be awesome. I think my mom will laugh about this because I distinctly remember that sometimes she would put egg in our Top Ramen and it would make me SO MAD. I'm sorry. You're right. It is good.

Anyway, there is a bright spot on the horizon. We're finally having the inside of our house painted!!! We're staying at Jeff's dad's house so the painters can work in peace without gigantic tufts of hair floating around. I tried to move as much of the smaller furniture as I could out of the house and into the garage.

Although it does make it easier for the painters to have it out of the way, I mainly did it because I love the idea of coming back to bright white-walled sparsely furnished rooms and decorating ALL OVER AGAIN. And the opportunity for for some serious deep-cleaning.

I can pretty much guarantee Jeff had no idea any furniture had been moved until it was done. This is what happens when you are REALLY focused on your "work" and yet still trying to have a conversation with your girlfriend. It's tough.

YES. I do love "The Cable Guy". It was one of two movies owned by Jeff's roommate (and bunkmate!) sophomore year. I swear he had that movie on every other day. The other movie, hilariously, was "Man on Fire". He was the same guy who often remarked that he wished he could take a pill to satisfy his dietary and showering needs. I miss him.

After all my complaining about the weather it was actually sunny yesterday so we hung out on Denny's patio. The dogs get so hot out there but for some reason love to lay directly in the sun.

OMG. I'm a little biased, but her cuteness kills me. Hard to believe we've had her for 3 years this August.

Today is only day two of the painting but already the two very high-ceilinged bedrooms have a coat of primer on them. It was so nice to see the many many holes left by the previous owner's yucky drapes finally filled in properly. No pics until it is done though!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Visiting London

Yesterday we went to London for the day with Jeff's parents. Of course, after having decent British summer weather (meaning it was sunny, but yes it did rain...) all week, it was cloudy and rainy and even a little bit cool. I wore a turtleneck!!!! What the heck!! Turtlenecks in July? Noooooo. Wait... I like turtlenecks so I wasn't really that disturbed by it.

Jeff is obviously enjoying one of the scones I made Saturday morning to bring as a snack. Good thing because our train didn't have any food or drinks!! We bought some tea and coffee at the Subway at the station before we got on and I think the people on the train were about to riot when they saw it. The new George R.R. Martin book just came out so Jeff is feverishly trying to reread all the previous books in the series before he starts on the new one. What I'm saying is, there wasn't much conversating happening.

After lunch we walked over to The National Gallery to catch a special exhibit of pre-1500 Italian alterpieces. It was awesome, btw. And also very, VERY deep inside the museum so despite the horrific crowds we encountered in the entry the actual exhibition area was quite quiet. Outside the museum is the official countdown until the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics. I'm excited.

Then, we went to the Criterion Theatre to see "The 39 Steps". I've already seen it (in Seattle, no less!) but I thought Jeff would like it (he did). Also, when I asked him what he want show he wanted to see he said "Anything that does not have singing and isn't 3 hours long". Right. I wonder if that has anything to do with me taking him to see "Wicked" last time...

I only managed to get one picture of the venue before I got in trouble.... I don't understand why I shouldn't be allowed to take pictures WITHOUT a flash, 20 minutes BEFORE the show started. Give me a break. My only consolation was that the first two rows were filled with teenagers and man they did not care about the stupid camera rules so I watched gleefully while the ushers spent the entire time before the show running over there to tell them off, being met with what I'm sure were highly insolent stares, and resuming their posts only to find it happening all over again.

The strange and cool thing about this theatre, which was built in 1873, is that it is actually underground so you actually go down 3 stories to get to the level of the stage. Thank god for proper ventilation and non-gas lighting, amirite??

By the time we left for home, the rain had stopped and there was even a little sun.

The English countryside is so pretty.

Plato rethinking his initial excitement at our return.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Thanks family!!

Aww look there's even a spot left for me... right on the top!!

Friday, 8 July 2011

Public Posture Humiliation

I was at the chiropractor yesterday and he took a picture of my truly horrendous posture to show me just how bad it is. OMGGGG I wanted to die. So gross. Jeff says I'm overreacting but he is just being nice. I'm hoping that by putting that picture here (and a pic of what I should be aiming for) I'll be motivated to work on it!

He also told me to put the bad pic as my computer screensaver. Dude is an evil genius. I dig it. 

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Henley the pony!

First of all let me just say: SHERRI DON'T WORRY IT ISN'T MINE. Phew. You can relax now :)

On Tuesday, I went with my riding instructor* to take care of her miniature pony named Henley. She bought him at a market in Henley-in-Arden for £70 from a gypsy when he was just a few weeks old. He is adorable! He has a reputation for being quite naughty, but he insisted on being as boring as possible when I was recording him. Honestly, it is pretty much the most underwhelming video, and the cherry on top is my annnoyyyinnnngggg voice so please just mute it or something.

*I know. Riding instructor?? What?? Yeahh so I've been taking some riding lessons at a barn near my house. It's good fun and my instructor is the same age as me so it is like paying for a friend. Which I am totally not above. Particularly when I count Plato and Sascha as BFFs!!!!!! Honestly, sometimes it is hard not to be offended when I spill my guts to them and they just look at me.

I'll need to drag Jeff with me one of these days to take some pics in the new helmet he got me for my birthday (July 14th!) because he is an awesome, yet practical boyfriend.

Monday, 4 July 2011

4th of July Celebrations in Rockaway Beach, OR

Nooooo sadly I'm not there, but my sisters have been nice enough to send me a few pics to make me feel like part of the traditional 4th of July celebration at our family's beach house. Actually, not very nice because it is really just making me full of extreme jealousy. That weather!!!!!!!!!

Margann and Nana (who just turned 90 last month!)

At the Rockaway Beach parade.

Kate, Margann, Libby, and a generous helping of THIGH. ( Libby is my cousin, the daughter of my godmother Annie. I wonder if that makes her my godsister or something...let's just say yes.) In the background you can see St. Mary's the the Sea - the little church where I was baptized. 

LibLob, Kate, and Margann in the front yard. Who was in charge of the cool matching shirts guys?? I like 'em.

View of the Twin Rocks from the front yard.

Hopefully, there are more pics on the way! Hint. Hint.

Something I wonder about

Are Plato and Sascha dogs or are they just furry, strange-looking humans? Usually they just act like dogs but sometimes I catch their eye and think HEY!! Hey hey! I saw that! You're human in there! Wait... why are you staring at me while I'm in the shower human-dog? Not cool.