Copenhagen, it must be said, was just the teensiest weensiest bit boring. We spent a lot of our time walking around and raising our eyebrows (to be interpreted as a silent "daayyummm") at each other when an incredibly good-looking person walked by, which was a lot. Danish people are hawt. Never in my life have I seen so many perfect baby blond heads on tall, athletic, tanned bodies. Why didn't anyone warn me??
We were lucky to have high 70s and sun the ENTIRE trip and so I have begrudgingly given up any hope of a beach vacation this year. You got lucky this time, Jeff. The only bad thing about the persistent sunshine was the fact that I packed a healthy mix of clothing (after being caught completely off guard in rainy, disgusting Nice). It quickly became clear that after sweating in a shirt all day, it wasn't really going to be wearable again. My bad. Particularly when you've had regular sweats AND nervous sweats after climbing the spire of a church. Which we did twice.
The national museum had a beautifully designed exhibition on Danish prehistory (the Ice Age through the Vikings).
Look, Jeff. More tools/weapons/jewelry made out of flint/antlers/bones! Yeah... I think he had reached his saturation point.
The rest of the museum was gross. Imagine room after room, un-air-conditioned, with absolutely no air circulation even, filled with old stuff (without a single word of English description). It smelled disgusting and we power-walked out of there. The only thing I could really appreciate without reading anything about it was this huge set of antlers. WHOA.

Things brightened a bit when we hit the Design Museum, which, predictably, had a lot of great Danish designed furniture and lighting.
Me standing by our future dining chairs!! Okay... maybe not near future but someday.
The building itself was beautiful too. I loved the stone floors. It was once a hospital so there is a central garden area that was originally for the patients to enjoy.
And then, feeling like we had accomplished enough sightseeing for one trip, we went shopping.
If you're serious about your jeans, then you should know Acne jeans are the bomb. Particularly if you're allergic to any sort of branding/stitching on the back pockets. Especially if you wear a 32/34 and like your jeans a tad snugger than most American men. And they're Swedish, so they kind of counted as a super expensive (but ACTUALLY USEFUL) souvenir. Except we bought them in Copenhagen instead of Stockholm. Close enough.