Monday, 26 September 2011


If the number of iphone apps you have has anything to do with coolness, I am extremely uncool. The only game I have and play regularly is Solitaire. Other than that, I have a metric converter, the Chase bank app, the eBay app, a level app, Kindle, and the NPR/KPLU radio app. I also have the Wurdle app, but it doesn't count because I DESPISE it.

Anyway, I added to my very limited selection of apps yesterday with the 8mm app. Let's ignore the fact that it is basically a video version of Hipstamatic. At least it doesn't have a silly hipster name, right?? RIGHT.

You can toggle between different video effects on the right (where it says 60s), but I love the way vintage sixties video looks. I also like the option to record without sound. Too often my videos are ruined by the seriously annoying sound of my voice or Jeff saying things like "oh MAN, I have to go pee so bad!"

Case in point: I'm pretty sure during that entire video Jeff was saying "Stop videotaping, stop videotaping, stop videotaping, stop videotaping, stop videotaping." and I was saying "haa haaa I'm not recording sound so your efforts to ruin my video are futile sucka". Without sound, however, it is all very sweet and nostalgic, no?