Friday, 11 March 2011

Couch Photography

Blahhh I'm sick. Rob got me sick!! Not cool. The worst part is I haven't been able to feel sick and yucky in private. It has been coming on for a few days I think so I have been exceptionally lazy and I'm sure he's wondering what the heck I do all day. All I wanted to do was watch movies and sleep, but I felt a little self-conscious with him slaving away upstairs. I want to be like "No seriously though I feel REALLY sick, I'm not faking it. I would NEVER watch a movie during the day otherwise. I mean, maybe a couple episodes of Gossip Girl whilst very very slowwwly folding a single basket of laundry, but never a movie. I'm normally a very busy and industrious person! In fact, I can't wait for you to finish that dang bathroom so I can clean it."Nevermind that he is sick and still working and so obviously made of stronger stuff than I.

So there I was: feeling sick, on the couch, not in sweats because I'm too lazy to change (too lazy to change into official lazy clothing - that IS lazy), watching Julie and Julia, taking pictures of the dogs.

Dog noses and whiskers are just the cutest.