Cadbury Carmel Nibbles!!!
Jeff and I picked up Thai on Friday night and then stopped at the grocery store to get beer. I was feeling kinda crazy so I asked Jeff to get me a "selection" of candy while I sat in the car with the seat heaters on keeping the food warm. Normally, I say I want candy and then change my mind in the candy aisle, but since I stayed in the car, Jeff did indeed return with a selection of candy. I was all "What?!?!?! Why did you buy me so much candy??!!" and he was all "um... I'm sorry for doing what you asked me to do?! Stop being crazy and just eat the candy."
Anyway, these carmel nibbles are the bomb. It doesn't help that they are called NIBBLES though. I'm constantly like "Oh, I'll just have a NIBBLE" as if eating five nibbles in a row doesn't equal half a candy bar. Sometimes two nibbles are stuck together, but that only counts as one nibble.
By the way, we may not live in London near all those silly museum thingys, but we are just 30 minutes away from Cadbury World! That's culture for you.