Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Cupcakes and sun

Jeff and I went to see Bridesmaids on Saturday night and by the end of the movie I had a raging cupcake craving. I had seen the movie when I was in Seattle earlier this spring so this time through I was able to really fixate on the baking aspect of the whole thing (which, for those of you who haven't seen the movie, is not a major aspect, I just haven't had a good cupcake in a loonnggg time). I had also just seen a really delicious looking recipe for salted caramel cupcakes in a magazine so Sunday was cupcake day (and Monday... and Tuesday... good god when are these things going to be gone already??).

I don't think I've ever made frosting before. Aside from how easy it is, I never realized that it was basically just butter. I mean, it makes sense now obviously (and explains why it is so amazingly good) but having that bowl of frosting in the fridge has been dangerous. I think my body composition is about half butter, half coleslaw at this point.

Frosting beater. Yum.

Tea and cupcakes and iPads. And dogs that really wanted cupcakes too.

I think if Plato could choose to live off any two things it would be cupcakes and beer foam. You should see how perky he gets when Jeff cracks one open.

I'm not sure which would win though.... beer foam or running water. He can't resist a running hose. I'm not sure if he would ever stop drinking from it so it is up to us to save him from himself.

We've also managed to find a solution to our pigeon problem. A group of about 3 pigeons had staked out our yard and were plowing through about half the bird seed in the feeder per day. It was pretty hilarious to watch them try to perch on the feeders and eat, but it was getting out of hand. Jeff was turning into a crazy person banging on the windows every two seconds to scare them away. Not anymore! We bought these squirrel deterrent things and they seem to work for pigeons too.

I feel kinda bad for them. Especially when they give me this confused sad-face. As far as pigeons go, these ones are pretty cute. They seem to be happy collecting any seed that falls on the ground though so it's working out ok. I still get angry at them sometimes because they like to chase each other away from the seeds. 256 Mill Lane is officially a Bully Free Zone. 

After hot, sunny weather on Sunday, we were treated with disgusting Texas-like weather on Monday: 85 degrees, cloudy, and rainy. I swear I didn't move all day because it was so sticky and oppressive. Would you guys think less of me if I said I watched 3 movies? You would? Well, good thing I TOTALLY DID NOT. I uh... picked weeds and ummm... vacuumed out my horrifically dirty car. So there. 

Ok ok ok, what if two of them were Coen brothers movies?? Good, right? But then I watched "Salt" so that probably cancels out the other two. Alright, let's just stick with No Movies Were Watched. I'm never lazy.