Jeff never, ever (NEVER) gets nervous for tests, but I think this one had kinda gotten to him. I knew this for a fact when he woke me this morning, completely dressed and ready to go, and whispered "I'm all ready, but my test isn't for an hour and a half" at which point (this was 6.30 AM) he decided to top up his gas tank and drive around until his test at 8. This may come as a shock since he has been driving for nearly 10 years and almost a year, without incident, in the UK. We're allowed to live here for a year without a UK driver's license and as Jeff's one year mark approached (can you believe it?!?) we had a few good laughs at the idea of having to take the test. What a joke, right? Well, that's what we thought until one of Jeff's coworkers strongly suggested that he take a few lessons with a driving instructor. After the first lesson, Jeff realized that he never would have passed the test without them. To me that sounded crazy since obviously Jeff knows how to drive. Anyway, it seems that the UK has some strange driving rules. Like, you can't cross your arms when turning the wheel and whenever you come to a red light you have to put on your parking brake. You also have to put on your parking brake while shifting between drive and reverse to park (or to perform a maneuver called "back around a corner" that Jeff had to do in his test). I'm sure there are other stupid things, but I'm trying to block them out until about 1 week before the test, at which point I will freak out and be really, really, really, really nervous - and, for me, that will be completely normal.
PS Just got the 3rd season of True Blood on iTunes. Oh man, still awesome the 2nd time around. Bad timing though because after being gone for a month I have a ridiculous amount of TV to catch up on. Plus side: watching four episodes of Game of Thrones in a row. YES.
PPS On Saturday night I seriously dreamt all night about the Titanic. Weird, huh? I think my brain was a little frustrated because I don't actually know very much about the Titanic so my dreams were rather lacking in the details. I kept dreaming over and over about the same random facts. The main thing that kept it from being a terrible nightmare was a small change my brain made in the temperature of the water - almost bathtub-like! No hypothermia, thank god. Although I do remember spending many dream-hours trying to reconcile the fact that the water was warm, but the ship was sinking after hitting an iceberg...
I spent some time yesterday reading the Titanic wikipedia page. Unfortunately, that means my next dream about it will DEFINITELY be a nightmare. Scary stuff.