I won't say this comes close in any way to replicating what Margann and I had, but on this super-gray-did-the-sun-even-rise day, it tastes prettyyyy good.
I know, it's like the thickest focaccia you've ever seen. Let's not set the bar too high, people. If you're interested in having the very limits of your patience tested (wait, and waiting, and WAITING for the dough to rise, and then waiting some more - I would definitely have a structured activity planned for this time to avoid getting crazy eyes and eating too many olives and oatmeal raisin cookies [you know, the ones you made yesterday after seeing them at the grocery store and not buying them because you were trying to be healthy and then later realizing you really just had to have some]) this is the recipe I used. I hate rosemary so I left it off, but I added green olives. Ta da!