This past weekend, British Eventing Horse Trials were held at the riding club across the street. Eventing is a 1, 2 or 3 day event that requires riders to compete in dressage, cross country, and show jumping. I'm still a little fuzzy on the details, but according to Wikipedia the use of the term "horse trial" seems to indicate that riders compete in these 3 areas in a single day. Wait... now wiki is saying that if the horse trial is held over two days (which this one was) then they do dressage and show jumping the first and cross country the second. I'm confused!!! Oh well.
Apparently, eventing began as a sort of cavalry test and was introduced into the Olympic games in 1912. Until 1924, the Olympic competition was only open to male military officers in active duty, riding military horses. I think the thing that interests me most about eventing is that it requires riders and their horses to excel at very different types of riding. From what I've read, this has to do with the military history of the sport. Each competition tests the horse and rider on the ideal attributes of a military horse and rider. Dressage tests the obedience, rhythm, and harmony between horse and rider, which originally may have demonstrated the team's ability to perform on the parade ground. Cross country tests stamina and courage over varying terrain. Show jumping tests technical skill and athleticism.
Of the three, the cross country competition was the most fun to watch. I think that also may have been due to the fact that EVERYONE seemed to be having an off day in the show jumping arena. I understand that these pictures might be a little uninteresting since none of us actually know any of these people, but at least you weren't the weird person who actually went and photographed said strangers, right?
A test of bravery: the Wedding Log.
Hey look! I think this person actually made it over a jump without knocking a pole down! Way to go random person.
Warming up for dressage.
An excellent day. Jeff was a little upset that there was so much watching of horses and not so much petting, prompting questions like "can I just stick my hand out and touch them when they go by?" which in turn prompted responses like "will you stop asking stupid questions" resulting in general grumpiness which was later confirmed to be the result of both of us being quite hungry.