Wednesday, 11 May 2011

I brought the sun

This ought to make Jeff slightly homesick.

Not TOO homesick though. He's currently (very happily) tucked in bed with the dogs. Apparently, they were a bit skeptical about suddenly being allowed on the bed. I'm sure it didn't take too much getting used to seeing as they have no problem jumping up there the second we leave the house.

I'm glad it is sunny instead of gray - it is definitely helping me get on Seattle time and resist the temptation of a "nap" aka going to bed really, really, really early without changing clothes or brushing teeth. My flight out of Birmingham was at 6am so I have been awake for... a long time. I had Qdoba for lunch (ha, suck it Jeff) and Sherri and I are going to my favorite italian restaurant, Assaggio, for dinner.

I ordered some Bensimon tennies that were waiting for me at Sherri's house. They're comfy and cute. Supposedly machine washable as well. I also got some chambray bermuda shorts from J.Crew but taking pictures of the lower part of my body was so not happening. Feet were hard (and, let's face it, lame) enough.

I'm driving down to Portland tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will hold so I can roll down the windows and blast MOViN 92.5.