Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Margann in da house

Hooray! She arrived exactly 24 hours before me, on Monday. Have to say Jeff was a little anxious about spending some one-on-one time with her, but after he texted me "Marg is chatty" I figured any lingering doubts he had about "what are we going to talk about??" had been dispelled. They went to the grocery store together and he pointed out these scotch eggs (which is kind of a running joke with us since WHO EATS THOSE THINGS?? (those things being hard-boiled eggs, wrapped in sausage, covered in breadcrumbs, deep fried, and eaten cold)). Maybe it was the jet-lag talking but Margann's response was "Mmmm that sounds good". And then she got two of them.

And then, to make it even worse, SHE SAID THEY WERE GOOD. She has to be lying.

Later, they bonded over "Blazing Saddles" and a shared love of burping in the middle of conversation.

Meanwhile, I was en route to the Birmingham airport, sitting next to two hilarious nerdy guys (love 'em!). I could not help eavesdropping on their conversations and was giggling the entire time I was not sleeping.

"Whenever I get on a plane, I imagine the Death Star theme music in my head."
"This safety video has great production values."
General frustration over not being able to enter "I AM BUTT" as a player name for the multiplayer games on the in-flight entertainment system.
Playing with the Maps feature of in-flight entertainment and saying "Heh heh (insert random silly sounding city name). (random city) knows how to party. They know what's up." This went on for a looonngggggg time. Yet, I kept laughing!!!! I'm easy like that. Now that I think about it, maybe that's why that game went on for an eternity....
"Oooh New Zealand. Let's see if we can find Mount Doom."

Basically, they were awesome.

Jeff picked me up from the airport at around 11am yesterday and we hung out with Margann and the dogs before I took him to the airport at 2pm for a flight to a conference in Dublin. As I was leaving the drop off area, thinking "oh man, I hope I make it home in one piece" since I was so tired (plane sleep does not count as real sleep, in my opinion), Jeff called to tell me he forgot his passport. Frankly, I wished that he would miss his flight and come home, but I was able to drive home and get the passport to him in time.

With Jeff gone, I introduced Margann to the delight that is a couple late-afternoon episodes of Friends. We walked the dogs (their third walk of the day, so unnecessary) just to keep ourselves from falling asleep at 7pm.

Today we ran some errands (hello, wireless printer! I'm so happy to have you in my life!) and made some sandwiches for lunch. I had a paper to edit for Kate looming over me so I plunked Margann down on the couch with some big ass headphones and an iPad loaded with Gossip Girl so she would just shut up for two seconds (hehe jk!! not really, but that's ok haha) and I could get it done.

Plato got jealous when he saw me taking pictures of the girls, so I kicked Sascha off the couch and gave him a turn.

Well, my eyelids are starting to feel like they weigh a hundred pounds so we're off to get some fresh air with the dogs before dinner.