I painted an Ikea stool (the Bekvam, which I think just got a redesign because the proportions on this newest one are strangely off) to use as a bedside table in the little bedroom. I used Farrow & Ball's "Charlotte's Locks" and the color basically looks nothing like it does in this picture. In person, it is a really orange-y red.
I bought this super cool antique rug on eBay not too long ago. I love how worn it is and that smidgen of light blue. I've noticed all these photos of antique rugs in kitchens floating around lately and I like the idea. Plus, it was CHEAP. Crazy cheap. Crazy cheap with free shipping. The dogs enjoy hanging out there (completely in the way) when I'm cookin'.
I had these drawings of Plato and Sascha done by a Seattle artist for Jeff's birthday a couple years ago and finally got around to putting them in some Ikea frames. I'm not sure where they're going to end up, but for now it is nice to have them out instead of tucked away in a box. The one of Plato is dead on, don't you think?
Another very welcome change has been the view out the window! Very green. My favorite part about this part of the yard is the cute little path that leads to.... a tall stump with a plastic tray drilled into the top? Slightly anti-climactic if you ask me.
We almost never go in this part of the yard because there is only a short fence separating our side from the neighbor's side and we are afraid to see them. During the holidays they put a couple cards in our mailbox saying "Happy Holidays to our new neighbor(s)". First of all, WHY NEIGHBOR(S)? Why not just neighbors?? I am soooo not a "(S)"!! The upshot of these surreptitious card deliveries was that the neighbor(S) unwittingly got off on the wrong foot with us. We never went over to introduce ourselves and so much time has passed that it would now be awkward. Then, we found out that Joan and Sweeper man don't really like them because they (Joan and Sweeper) were good friends with the woman who lived here before the people we bought the house from (who Joan and Sweepy did NOT like) and she didn't get on with the neighbor(S). Funnily enough, she also complained that they blasted classical music. Of course, not the worst music to blast, but classical choral will keep you up at night.