Today, Jeff and I decided to forgo another National Trust outing in favor of something, you know, a little more tactile. As in petting farm animals! Nevermind the fact that we were the only adults there without children aka the only Smart car in the lot. We sort of took the website literally when it said the park welcomes "youngsters of all ages". They totally skipped over us during the lamb feeding activity.
Our first would-be victim was not interested in a little under beak scratching. Hmph!
Bunnies and guinea pigs cohabiting adorably. The black bunny was grooming the little brown pig.
Jeff was particularly excited to milk the fake cow.
Regal goat.
Snuggly goat.
The little black lamb doesn't know what to think of Jeff.
Baby goats!! They thought we had milk so they were very interested in making friends and nibbling our fingers.
Plato and Sascha, is that you??
Jeff checking out the chickens in the "Chicken Hovel".
I have to say the pigs were definitely the highlight of the farm. They were only animals that seemed genuinely appreciative of the behind the ears scratching we were happy to provide. I had never realized the pigs were so vocal - there was a lot of satisfied grunting and angry squealing when another pig tried to muscle his way in for petting.
I am an equal opportunity petter.
Hellooo baby pigs, where have you been all my life.
Whoooaa MAMA.
The pigs were lining up and climbing over each other for more scratching. It was awesome.
Oh man, I gotta get me one of those.