Friday, 22 April 2011

Plato's birthday month

Plato is 5 years old! Hard to believe. He doesn't seem to have matured at all - just gotten bigger. I'm always telling people at the park that Plato is my five year old puppy, which pretty much sums him up. He drives us crazy sometimes, but when he's cute, he is very very cute. Although, I sometimes wish he still looked like a puppy.

That's baby Plato and his dad.

Back when Plato could fit in my lap and have his bones stolen by Gracie (the corgi).

Back when he was still allowed on the coach. Well, nowadays he seems to think he IS allowed on the coach, just not when we're home. Who said he isn't smart?

The whole "only child" period is kind of a touchy subject. Somehow Plato has managed to soldier on in good health.

Other reasons to celebrate:

This month is also Michael and Paulina's anniversary month (1 year), my parents' anniversary month (29 years), and soon to be Will and Kate's anniversary month - the Royal Wedding is next weekend!

More reasons to celebrate if you live at 256 Mill Lane:

1. It was sunny and 75 today
2. We discovered an awesomely pretty public footpath across the street
3. Jeff has today and Monday off work AND next Friday and Monday off for the wedding
4. We are about to eat a delicious dinner